Hi All,
I am looking ideas for wind-down time for my LO (13 wks old). He doesn't have many sleep cues and usually only displays them when already OT so I'm looking for some ideas on quiet activities to do when we are approaching his sleep window. How long do you take? What do you do?
Go upstairs to bedroom 5 mins before,
Close windows and curtains and door (with him on my shoulder)
Put in cot on back (if not crying) with lullaby and heartbeat noise.
Shhh/Pat or hold and pat if crying
Put on side and shh/pat until settled or (mostly) asleep (he's a side or tummy sleeper but if I put him on his side before he's actually ready for it he cries)
Today I tried going up quite early and put him on his back and he lay there and looked up at me smiling and cooing for a few minutes until he started crying at which point I put him on his side but he cried so I ended up picking him up and doing the baby jiggle.
Please help me get ideas as to how to go from "happy-baby-getting-ready-for-bed" to "sleeping-baby" with out going via "OT-crying-baby-requiring-AP"!!!!