My LO is 14 weeks old and we might be switching to formula. I have been trying to breastfeed with little success for 14 weeks and I am giving it one last week to see if things turn around. I have to prepare myself now, because no matter how hard I try, I just don't think this LO can be a breastfeeder. Unfortunately, since I was planning on breastfeeding I did not do any research on formula.
I was wondering if there are any difference between brands or types within brands. I had to supplement a bit and I bought the Similac Advance Early Shield. I also bought the Similac Sensitive RS because my baby has reflux. However, I was bottle feeding with a slow flow nipple and the formula was too thick for the nipple. Then I realized rice starch was added to the formula and I am not sure that I want my baby to have the rice starch. So, I haven't uses much of it. I was going to get Similac Sensitive, but that said it was for lactose intoloerance.
I am just so confused about the formulas and wish I knew more. I also bought the Enfamil premium, but haven't used that yet either. I had a coupon.