Finn is 5 months old and around 18 pounds, he's a big kid - in the 90th - 95th percentile for both length and weight.
He has been treated for reflux with a PPI (Prevacid) since around 8 weeks but then we had a flare at around 18 weeks.
So on the advice of the ped and dietician who works in the practice, we have been thickening his formula with rice cereal and moved him to Nestle Good Start.
In the beginning, he stretched to 5 hours between feeds (even longer) and the ped said give him time to adjust to the new formula mixture. So EASY was out of whack - but treating reflux was more important. Eventually he moved himself back to roughly 4-hr feeds, 4 bottles a day (8 oz) and started STTN for 11.5 or 12 hours. I was trying to move back to 4-hr EASY so I could start getting the naps back on track.
However, this week he has started not wanting to eat on wake up. In fact, most days he is not even hungry one hour after waking and sometimes even longer. I end up feeding him to sleep because his first nap coincides with when he finally wants to eat. If I try to feed him sooner he plays with the nipple, pushes the bottle away or even tries to buck himself off my lap.
I just wondered if anyone had this issue...was it a phase? I know that some adults hate to eat first thing in the morning, could it be like that for him?
My main concern is that when this happens, sometimes he only gets 3 bottles in a day. I worry about hydration issues and whether he might start waking at night again if I can't get it in him during the day. If he doesn't eat first thing then it means he goes longer than 12 hours without eating which the ped said to watch out for...