I've told DP that from now on she stays in her room and that's final. The last two nights though, in the end, I just sat on the single bed with her when she was starting to calm down, she curled up on my lap and went to sleep - but I had to spend the rest of the night there with her

Again, not ideal. But when she is the throws of her tantrum, she is scratching at her face and hair, hitting me if I come anywhere near her and screaming for dad-dad (he's the soft touch). It's only when she's exhausted after 2 or 3 hours of screaming that I can approach her. In the meantime, I just go in every few minutes to try and wipe her nose, but I just get shoved aside. God it sounds so cruel but I promise her bedroom door is open, the living room door is open, the lights are on and she can see and hear me. I don't just leave her to scream I promise LOL!
And yes, she was climbing out of her cot in a Kamakaze fashion so it was no longer safe. She has a toddler bed but refuses to go in it

and seems happy in the single bed, also in her room so we've let her have that small victory.
Modified to add: She does have lovies but she's not really bothered by them. Bunny and Teddy have been in her cot since she's been in it, she plays with them for a bit then shoves them aside to sleep. She does look for them if they're not there though. As for a noise about midnight, no, nothing. We live in a quiet block of flat full of retired people, no pubs or clubs nearby, no main roads... Just the river. I have problems sleeping coz it's too quiet LOL! I have changed the duvet cover, have tried her with a blanket instead of duvet 9thought she might have been too hot) but no, made not one jot of difference.