DS will be 17 mos old in a bit over a week. He dropped to one nap at around 13 mos, and hasn't needed 2 daily naps since. We went on a trip to visit family (plane flight) about 3 weeks ago and DS's routine got off track, with more EW's. Since starting daycare full time last week, things have gotten worse. Ideally, our daily routine (prior to daycare & trip) was:
7am - wakeup & breakfast
10am - snack
12pm - lunch
12:30pm-2:30pm/2:45pmish - nap
3pm - snack
5pm - supper
7-7:30pm - bedtime
DS is now usually awake between 6-6:30am. Last week his naps got shorter (lucky if we can get 2 hrs now). It can take him close to 1 hr to fall asleep at bedtime. He was so OT on Sunday, he was walking into walls but refusing to go back down for a nap.
I find DS seems to last about 5.5 hrs from waking until he needs a nap. This morning he was awake before 6:30am, so I suggested our daycare provider try to get him down for a nap by no later than 12pm. The other kids at daycare have lunch at noon, and DS refused to go down before then (too much excitement, noise, afraid he'll miss something). Naps at daycare normally happen from 1pm-3pm, but DS can't function with those times given his early waking. What can I do to try to get him back on track? Is wake to sleep my only option? Thanks in advance.