DD is 15 months. Forever her routine went something like this:
7:30 ish wake up
3.5 hours A time
45 minute nap (I wake her up)
3.5 hours A time
1.25-2 hour nap (I wake her up by 5:00)
8:30ish bed time
About two weeks ago, she suddenly started taking longer to fall asleep (went from 5 minutes or less to settle to 15-20 minutes) and then waking up from both naps at around the 40 minute mark (hard to note an exact time as she mutters and babbles softly as she's drifting off and I get distracted by other things). For her afternoon nap, I let her be after she wakes, and she'll lie in there and quietly murmer to herself for 30-60 minutes. Despite the lack of napping, she acts generally well-rested.
I thought, hmmm, perhaps she's finally ready for one nap. So we tried one nap for five days in a row. We did not have any successful naps. She still took 15-20 minutes to settle and most days she woke around the 40 minute mark, cried, then resettled for some broken sleep. The 5th day she slept 40 minutes and never would resettle. On the one nap days she tended to be very cranky and very clumsy by bed time and we also started to have some odd EW.
So, we've gone back to our old routine and once again she is waking around 40 minutes from both naps. She's been a little cranky the last couple of days, but not clumsy, so I suspect that her canine teeth are moving. We're sticking with the two short naps for now as the seems to keep her more well-rested than the one nap situation, but I'm not loving this, to be honest. I'd much prefer to have her on one long nap and if not that, then I'd at least like one short and one longish nap.
I've tried the last couple of days to put her down a little earlier for her afternoon nap to accommodate for the added time it's taking her to settle, but that hasn't made a difference in the nap length.
I've tried making the first nap later in hopes that she'd fall asleep more quickly, but that hasn't worked either.
Any thoughts? What would you do? Is it possible that all she needs right now is 2 40 minute naps and an 11ish hour night? That doesn't seem like enough sleep. :-/
My next thought is to try shortening her first nap to 20 minutes, but it's so hard to wake her at the 20 minute mark when she's spent 15-20 minutes settling.