Author Topic: A 3 month Child - how make him sleep one nap during the day in the easy rutine?  (Read 1961 times)

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Offline becky1969

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My son had a lot of food sensitivities; he never broke out into a rash or anything, he'd just roll around in his crib and wake up frequently at night.  You might also have a LO who has tummy issues -- not full out allergies, just sensitivities.  If that's so, then you've got a tough row to hoe!

I'd keep at the HTTJ thing.  A lot of moms find it takes 2 weeks before it works.  There may be some success stickies somewhere; I'll try to hunt them down.  In the meantime I strongly urge you to check out our FAQ section here and in the Naps and General Sleep Forums.  You migth find something there that rings a bell.
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!