oh yes, he has DEFINITELY always been on the low end. At 11 weeks he was still on 50 minutes Awake time. We started adding minutes when he started doing 45 minute naps. But have never "gotten it" right yet.
My daughter did 35 minute naps consistently, no matter what. Stopped at around 5-6 months or so.
With the "reflux" thing, he is on meds, Prilosec, but honestly, I'm not convinced he has reflux. I have over active letdown and a lot of the symptoms are similar. I am pretty much off all dairy, to see if that makes any difference, and only when I have eaten ice cream (bad momma) does it seem to upset him. He doesn't act uncomfortable. I took him in at 2 weeks b/c of this, and have had a few med changes, but even on meds, his sleep hasn't improved at all, which is making me think it's not reflux. I watch him at 33-35 minutes and he does big jolts consistently, huge ones that just startle him awake.
I try to burp for a long time and keep him upright awhile after a feed. I have talked to his ped about his sleeping issues since day 1 and she just brushes it off saying "that"s a baby for you!". When I have brought him in to the dr he is always so happy and smiley and gaining weight so well, that I don't really think the dr "Sees" what I am talking about.
He has started sleeping longer chunks at night, at least 6 hrs now. We were at 3-4 for a LONG time.
I am bewildered with all this, since I tried to be so proactive with things from right away since we had so many sleep issues with our daughter too