hi there
I bfed both my los so hard to know how much they took/how much Emma is taking right now at the same age as your DS but they are also big, on 97th for length and weight (well Oscar was till he hit the 2s, has now slimmed down and is on 90th-97th for height and 75th for weight)...and yes, Emma is eating around the same as your DS most days and some days even more in that she will grab some toast, some cheerios etc as I am getting a meal ready and gobble that up as well as the meal itself!
Our day looks like this:
bf around 7am
cereal around 200grams when mixed with the milk at 8am
sometimes a tiny snack with water around 10-10.30 b4 or after tiny nap in buggy (a corn snack or piece of banana)
lunch - varies can be meat/fish based but twice a week-ish its veg and cheese like cauliflower, potato and cheese etc....mushed up (her fave with a bit of nutmeg) I freeze in the big Avent pots and she empties or almost empties them every day so thats a definite 200g, water to drink and then a small baby yoghurt
bf when I get home around 3.30pm usually her fave of the day but again hard to say how much she is taking
tea is veg and cereal based usually....trying to do more and more finger foods here now....so avocado chunks, toast, steamed veg we are all eating anyway etc....
7pm feed was going badly recently as she was filling up so much on her pureed tea but is now a bit better
I had dropped the DF by Emma's choice in late Jul/early Aug but brought it back (she will eat no bother without waking from the breast) due to poor intake at 7pm and EWs around 4-5am due to knockon hunger and to keep my supply up with 4 rather than 3 feeds in 24 hours...
I would say if your DS is long as well as heavier than average and is holding his own on his centiles as well as telling you when he's had enough then you need to keep giving him these amounts.