My DD is 13 months old and the poor thing is going through so much right now. Two nights ago we moved in with my parents from our own house while we are waiting for the possession date on our new house. We will be here for 4 weeks. I'm also fairly certain she is teething. Before we moved, she was waking anywhere from 4:30-6:00 and I would nurse her and put her back to bed, but sometimes I would bring her to bed with us (that is where I do morning feeds) and I think that may have started a bad pattern. Sometimes she would fall back to sleep and sometimes she wouldn't. She is also starting the 2-1 nap transition. Her activity times are 3.5 hrs between naps and then naps for 1 hr 15 min.
Since we moved to my parents place, she has woken at 4 am the first night and 2 am the second night. I try to lay her down and put my hand on her back (just like when she goes to bed) and she won't have it. She sits up and cries, I try to lay her back down and she keeps crying. Then I pick her up, rock her for a few seconds and she goes right to sleep. A few minutes after I lay her back down she wakes up again and I start the process over again. I've ended up bringing her to bed with us both times. I'm not sure what to do tonight if it happens again. I don't want to start bad habits, I need some help.