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Drop nap or need late Bt?
« on: October 13, 2009, 06:16:59 am »
Help!!!!! Maya is nearing 3 and we have always struggled with sleep issues/ EW/NW, approx 6 weeks ago we dropped nap to 1hr with a 7.30 bt and it was working lovely.  We went to stay at some relatives last weekend so she was having late nights and sleeping with us and ever since we have been back she has been a nightmare at bt.  She is waking on average 6.15 and is ready for a nap at 11.30-12ish, she goes down fine and i really struggle to wake her at 1hr point, then around 6.30ish she seems sleepy, we start windown at 7pm as ideally i would like a 7.30 bt but latelt it is taking until 8.15 til she falls asleep with a lot of SA going on, she is calling me back into room every 5 seconds and it is wearing me down! anyway i wondered what you think, is it OT, UT, SA thats causing this, should i give up the nap or go with 8pm bt? any thoughts would be great as i hate bt at the mo, she wont let hubby put her down either so its all down to me.  The reason we dropped nap down to 1hr in the 1st place was down to 5am starts again and only getting 9.5-10 hrs at night but she was happy to sleep all pm if i let her, since she ws doing 1hr we have been getting nearer 11 hrs at night which is the best she has ever gone, now it is 10-11, if she manages to sleep at 7.30 she will sleep until 6.15 but any later and it is 10hrs.  She is VERY SPIRITED also and we have just recently started PT so could be a number of things, but love to hear some suggestions.

look forward to hearing from you.

Rachael x

Offline madaxe

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Re: Drop nap or need late Bt?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2009, 16:20:32 pm »
I could have written this post myself!!! I am going through something very similar with my youngest who is 29 months. She has always slept like an angel until 2 years.... then the problems began.
Lately, bed time is a battle. Up to 90 minutes of fighting before she goes to sleep and I am now losing my temper with her as am so frustrated!! She wakes between 6.30 and 7, and will nap again about 12 noon. If I leave her to sleep, she will sleep anything up to 3 hours. Then won't sleep again until 8. - 8.30. bedtime is 7.00pm. Ok, granted, once she is asleep, I won't hear from her again until the next morning. it is just these bedtime battles!! I have tried the later BT but definately didn't work.... I am not sure about the dropping the nap? or shorten it maybe. Someone even suggested an even earlier bedtime???
Hope you don't mind me latching on here - same problem and I am losing my mind!!!!!

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Re: Drop nap or need late Bt?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 21:10:14 pm »
She is waking on average 6.15 and is ready for a nap at 11.30-12ish, she goes down fine and i really struggle to wake her at 1hr point,

When you are waking LO's from a nap it is easier to do it at 45mins or 1.5hrs as this is right as they are coming out of a sleep cycle. At 1hr they are just transitioning into their 2nd sleep cycle hence why it is harder to wake them. My opinion is to wake her at 45mins for her nap.

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
My little princess Mirelle 17/10/07

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Re: Drop nap or need late Bt?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2009, 21:24:07 pm »
Hi ladies!

*For the 3 year old, I'm wondering if she's not a bit more tired than normal right now.  Did she recently start preschool or change rooms at a daycare? I'll tell you one thing I've learned about my son in these toddler/preschool years is that either developmental milestones or changes in activity level can really change how sleepy he is.  We've had to reduce A time for a few months and then they've increased again.  I'm thinking you might want to try a longer nap again and see how that works.  If she's waking at 6:15 and going down for a nap at 11:30-12 that means she doesn't really have much A time in her for her age! Most LOs this age are doing closer to 6-6.5 hours A time and she's doing 5-5.5, which is what we generally see closer to age 2.  I'm also thinking that reducing the nap worked at first but perhaps either she became cumulatively OT ro else something changed -- developmentally or situationally.

Anyway,  I'd try letting her nap fully again and then give bedtime 5 hours post nap and see if that helps!  She's only getting about 10 hours nighttime sleep now, which is 90% of the time a sign that a child is OT at bedtime.

If allowing her to nap more than an hour backfires, then you can of course experiment with eliminating the nap.  but from some fo the things you've said I think you've got a child who still really needs/wants that nap and may just need more nap for whatever reason.  I know there will be several moms of 3 yr olds who will reply and say that eliminating the nap made things better fo rthem.  ;D  And that may be the case! I just have this feeling in your case a bit more nap might help.  But use your instincts! If you think I'm nuts, go ahead and cut out the nap and see where that gets you.

*Now, for the 29 month old I think the situation may be different.  If she will sleep up to 3 hours for her nap she sounds like a sleepy bub.  But if she wakes at 3 pm and then you put her down for bedtime at 7 pm she's definitely going to fight it because it's not enough A time.  It may be that she's ready to stretch the amt of time between nap and bed.  I think I'd at least give her 5 hours before bed, try that for 3 days, and then try 5.5 hours post nap before bed.  You can also limit nap to 2 hours so that it's not robbing her of nighttime sleep.

The thing about toddlers who can sleep 3 hours for a nap is that they tend to be on the sleepier side, so you have to really be careful to honor A times.  You need to offer enough time between nap and bedtime, but not too much or you enter OT land.

The 27-29 month age group often shows sleep troubles.  It's usually b/c they're ready to increase A time.  It's possible when you tried a later bedtime before it was either too late or not late enough.  So be scientific about it.  Start with 5 hours post nap and work up until you stop having bedtime issues.

For both toddlers you can use Reward Charts to get some better behavior out of them, even if they're not ready to sleep.  RCs are a fabulous tool at this age because most toddlers would sell their parents for a sticker.  ;D  So, tell your child that if they are quiet at bedtime and don't make mommy/daddy come back in their room they get a sticker in the morning.  Show them the stickers.  Then, when they earn 2-3 stickers (you decide) they get a bigger prize -- a balloon, trip to the park, picnic in the living room, tea party, etc.  Whatever you think will float their boat.  For my son a Matchbox car does the trick.  So we're talking something inexpensive but fun.  At this age I think it's perfectly fine to tell your child they can sit and look at books until they're sleepy.  If their nightlight isn't bright enough, you can give them a child-sized flashlight to use.  This is actually a powerful tool too because now THEY are in charge of when they sleep.  You're both seeing 60-90 minutes of protesting, so it's not like we're going from a child who falls right to sleep to encouraging them to stay up at night! They're both struggling, so lets give them something constructive AND QUIET (LOL!) to do so that you don't have to be there with them while they fall asleep.

Hopefully with some experimentation with the routine this will go away.
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!

Offline madaxe

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Re: Drop nap or need late Bt?
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2009, 02:20:40 am »
Thank you!! Will give it a try tonight :)


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Re: Drop nap or need late Bt?
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2009, 06:01:33 am »
Thanks for your thoughts Becky, yesterday Maya had an hr nap, her choice at 12.30-13.30 and i put her down for bed at 7.15 as normal and although i did stay in her room she fell asleep by 7.30 and woke at 6am this morning which is more normal for her, so maybe it is more the SA due to her being in our room the other weekend, I am hoping t preserve the nap if i can as we are going away later in the yr and it makes i easier if she is still taking naps to deal with the "Out of routine" you get o hols.  Thanks again, i will play it by ear and maybe just let her sleep as she wants.

Offline madaxe

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Re: Drop nap or need late Bt?
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2009, 15:51:14 pm »
Not sure what I am doing wrong.... today she woke at 6.30am. napped from 11.45 - 1.45pm, now nearly 8pm and have been trying to get her to sleep since 6.50pm. No sign of sleeping?!?!?!? >:(