If he's refusing the PM nap I guess he's telling you something. There are 2 ways of dealing with the 2-1: good morning nap and late afternoon catnap, or morning catnap and longer afternoon nap. I've done both! Ds1 was an early waker so I did a short catnap (in the swing!) for 20 mins around 9am, then a longer nap around 12pm.
DS2 sleeps later inthe morning (yes!!!) so I did a longer am nap, late afternoon catnap with him - also it fit in with the school run.
What if you gave Wesley a short nap (20-30 mins) in the stroller or carseat a bit earlier than his usual time - you want him to have enough sleep to get through to lunch but not so much he refuses the afternoon nap IYKWIM? Any more than 45-60 mins in the morning and he'll probably refuse the afternoon sleep.
Then lunch followed by a nap around 12pm. If he still refuses, then get him up and try 30 - 60 mins later. Then bed 4-5 hours later (depending how long the nap was.
You might have to keep persisting for a week or two before you see any results - good luck, the 2-1 is tough!