Author Topic: 11 month old will not go to sleep or stay asleep without nursing  (Read 1015 times)

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Offline manda82panda

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I enjoy breastfeeding and would like to continue, but we have got into a really bad habit of him nursing to sleep and if i put him down or try to take the boob after he falls asleep he wakes up screaming and won't go back to sleep till i give it back.  At first it didn't bother me but he wakes up so many times at night whining or screaming for the boob.  I'm getting really drained and frustrated.  I've tried to keep it from him at night but he has way more stamina than i do.  I would like him to decide on his own when its time to stop nursing but I really need to get more sleep.  This started a couple months ago. I don't know what to do.  he will not take a bottle.  We have made sure he is well fed before bedtime.  He used to just go to sleep on his own around 8 and now my husband can't even get him to sleep most nights till I get home from work so he doesnt get to sleep till around 10 most of the time.  If he does get him to sleep as soon as he puts him down my son wakes right up again.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 21:20:38 pm by manda82panda »

Offline A pair of Charlies

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Re: 11 month old will not go to sleep or stay asleep without nursing
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2009, 21:47:13 pm »
Hi there  :)

That sounds like a rotten time. You must be exhausted  :-*. Will get you some help, okay. I might move this over to Props as it might be seen by more experienced Mamas there but in the meantime, will keep you here so Mamas here can help.  :)

I think there will be some crying. It is a sleep prop. It is something that lots and lots of BFg Mamas have BTDT... and successfully resolved. Okay :) .

We'll get you all some sleep  :-*
