Author Topic: Building BM Stash  (Read 1359 times)

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Building BM Stash
« on: November 02, 2009, 23:08:50 pm »
Hello Ladies,

This is my first time to check out the BF section on the forum and just loved it, really reminded me of how much I love BFeeding my lo.

Well, my baby is now 4.5 months and I will be going to work when he's 6.5.. :-[ I have been thinking that I need to build a stash 'cause I won't be there for his midday feed, so I wanted to ask you at what times of the day would you recommend I pump?

Adam's Mom
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Re: Building BM Stash
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2009, 00:25:02 am »
If you're able to pump at work I would pump midday and if you don't have enough to make a bottle from the one session I would also pump in the early am when you probably have the most supply, to add to it. I read that milk varies throughout the day so if you are looking to replace the midday bfs I would pump for mid-day milk. Failing that, if you can't pump at work, I would still aim at a morning pump as I would assume the supply is the heaviest then.
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Re: Building BM Stash
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2009, 01:41:19 am »
When I was in your shoes, I pumped after the 1st morning feed and froze it.  I did this every day until I went back to work.  I was able to pump 1x during my work day and my LO was missing several feeds from me, so I still had to supplement with some formula.  But saving up, definitely helped.

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Re: Building BM Stash
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2009, 02:25:13 am »
Hi Adam's mom :)

How often and when you pump is really up to you!  How big a stash would you like to have built up?  How much time can you dedicate to pumping?  Here's a few options for you:
- you can pump after feeds (15 min to 1 hour later)
- if your lo is a single side feeder, you can pump the other side during/after feeds
- if your lo is STTN, or going for a long stretch at night, you could pump during this time

Milk supply is generally greatest in the morning, and tend to decrease as the day goes on, so your most productive pumping will likely occur in the morning/early afternoon.  But any pumping you can do, for any length of time, will help you build that stash!  Remember that most moms who are nursing full-time are able to pump around 1/2 to 2 ounces total (for both breasts) per pumping session.  It is quite normal to need to pump 2-3 times to get enough milk for one feeding for baby (remember that the pump cannot get as much milk as a baby who nurses effectively).  Don't get discouraged if you are trying to build up a freezer stash when nursing full time and don't get much milk per pumping session -- this is perfectly normal and expected. is a fantastic breastfeeding resource!  Here is a link with great pumping information for you:

hth :)
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
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Offline Yazzie

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Re: Building BM Stash
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2009, 10:39:54 am »
Thx all for your replies... :D

I guess I will try pumping in the morning as I still haven't sorted out pumping @ work, not sure if I will be able to do that.. ???

At the beginning of our journey my baby didn't really latch on very well and I used to pump excessively and could get up to a ingle feeding/pump session, but I guess now thinks are different. I actually haven't pumped since LO was 3 weeks, hate going back to the pump, but also feel we've come a very long way and don't want to supplement with formula.

Adam's Mom
Adam's Mum

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Re: Building BM Stash
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2009, 11:50:56 am »
I pumped and bottle fed almost exclusively for the first three months (cracked nipples, OALD, bottle preference) before going back to full bfing, so I completely understand not wanting to go back to the pump! I was so happy to be free of it, then when I returned to work I had to pump for daycare bottles. I certainly don't love it, but it's not nearly as time consuming as pumping exclusively.

When I pump at work (missed feeding) I do tend to get a full feeding out of both breasts (about 4-6oz total). But when I pump right after a feed (like in the morning to ensure I'm empty) I only get about 1-2oz if I'm lucky (I've sometimes gotten nothing!). So don't be surprised if building your stash goes slowly, but when you pump for missed feeds at work you should do better, especially if you respond well to a pump.

Speaking of which, I'm concerned that you feel you won't be able to pump at work? Not sure where you are in the world, but here in Canada working/nursing mothers have a lot of rights... I'll be honest, I thought I was going to have to wean when I went back to work last month because I thought there was no way I could pump. Right before I went back Dylan was slammed with three illnesses in a row and I was advised by his doctor to feed on demand to prevent dehydration (due to high fevers, diarrhea, and solids refusal) so weaning screeched to a halt.  When I returned to work I intended pumping to be a short term fix while we continued weaning, but it's actually not that bad! I pump both breasts during my lunch break (I eat in one of the offices and pump at the same time).  I'm also entitled to 2 15min coffee breaks (though I don't always get them if we are very busy) so I try to have a quick pumping session with one breast for each if I can. So far it's working ok! :) just remember that any pumping you can do, even 5min, while at work will help maintain your milk supply and give you a little bit more ebm. And every bit counts!

Good luck :)

D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

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Re: Building BM Stash
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2009, 12:27:04 pm »
There are definitely laws to protect mothers in the US too.  The issue for me was having the times to pump more than once, which would have been necessary to continue exclusively with BM.  I could only pump once and that is why I used both BM and formula.