Hey everyone!
I'm hoping maybe I could get some advice. My daughter is 11 months old, and we're trying to get her to sleep through the night using PU/PD. In the meantime, she's always followed a good nap schedule, and that's helped somewhat with night wakings. However, recently (in the last two weeks) she's proven SO hard to get down for her naps, like her nap window is either shorter, or I'm misreading her cues and she needs more activity time, but I can't figure out how drastically to change it. Here's our day
Wakes 6.45
E (BF) 6.45
A (back in her crib) 7.00
E (solids) 7.30
S 9.15-9.30 (Usually two hours after waking)
Wakes 11.15
E (solids) 11.15
A 11.45
E (solid & BF) 12.45
S 1.15
Wakes 3.15
E (solids) 3.15
A 3.45
E 6.00 (BF & solids)
A (including bath) 6.30
S 7.30-7.45
Problem is, now it takes me an hour or more to get her down at those nap times - yesterday she didn't go down until 4 for her 1pm nap. Is she getting too little activity time? Could someone suggest what sort of nap time might work better at this age?