Hope someone can help, my 27 month old has started night waking, sometimes just asking for mummy to come I come in and he goes back to sleep within a few minutes. Sometimes he is really distressed and inconsoleable for about 20 mins, eventually he calms down but he needs me to stay until he goes to sleep.
This can happen up to twice a night and its becoming more frequent now. We have had a new baby recently (5 weeks) could this be why? Any advice would be great as I am getting a double whammy at the mo, feeding the new one in the night and going to my 2 year old as they are not awake at the same time.
His routine is
7.30 wake
1pm nap 1 1/2 hrs
7.30 bed (goes down to sleep but calls us a couple of times for random reasons to get us to stay in his room with him)
(he's been sleeping through the night since 5 months,I think it all started when he was sick and we stayed with him longer at bedtime around June)