Author Topic: fussy baby since starting solids  (Read 19626 times)

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Offline Julie C

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fussy baby since starting solids
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:43:46 am »
We used to have an angel baby who was an AWESOME sleeper. Even shortly after birth she would only wake up once a night to feed (bf).

We started solids around 5 months (she already weighed 16 pounds, could sit with little support, showed interest etc etc). Her first food was very watery rice cereal. She seemed to like it, but, that night, she woke up almost every 2 hours.  Every night that week, the same thing. Sometimes she would cry and cry until I fed her back to sleep. I thought it could maybe be her top teeth coming since she already had her bottom 2...

The following week we tried mixing in some pureed squash to her diet. The night wakings continued. By this time, I realized it wasn't teeth. I gave her cocyntal after she became quite upset, and she relaxed.

We took a few days off the solids  (she was still fussy ... but that could have been because she got a tooth for real this time). Since then, we have tried peas, carrots and sweet potato. Sometimes with cereal, sometimes without. It doesn't matter... no matter what... she is miserable during the day (at times) and a monster at night. Don't even ask about the day that we gave her a Mum Mum! (which she devoured, by the way!). We have gone through a whole box of cocyntal... but I'm not sure that it's even working. Sometimes she still cries for a while after we give it to her.

I should also mention that since birth she has been a power pooper. By that, I mean she has extremely forceful poops that often end up all over her back and sometimes even up to her neck. We call them "poo-namis". I mentioned this to the doctor once, and he just laughed. I'm wondering now, however, if we have a more serious problem.

Any ideas out there?

Offline Julie C

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Re: fussy baby since starting solids
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2009, 03:45:58 am »
btw, she is now 6.5 months and weighs almost 18 pounds.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: fussy baby since starting solids
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2009, 04:14:57 am »

Is she still having the "poo-namis"? (love that btw) Could the solids be causing gas/constipation? or perhaps a food allergy? We started out with fruits first, then veggies, then cereal (which never sat that well with Spencer)


Offline LizzieN

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Re: fussy baby since starting solids
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2009, 04:51:53 am »
Hey sweetie,
I'm wondering if your rice cereal contains dairy solids?  Might pay to check?

When we introduced solids it made our DS very gassy too, he had reflux as well so it was all a bit of a mess in those days....he LOVED the solids though and I couldn't ever find anything that made him better or worse, I really think a lot of it was just time for his tummy to mature (and he was incredibly gassy when just liquid feeding too)....

If I were you I would be considering that there are more teeth coming, we ALWAYS had multiple cutting at the same time....and our LO was a very touchy teether, it takes him a long time to cut them too...sorry not trying to scare you!!

If taking your LO off the solids for a few days doesn't seem to settle her down, I would probably think it wasn't the solids (dairy can take 2 weeks to clear if you suspect that may be a problem)....perhaps if you are bfing you could go off dairy for a few weeks with your LO and see if that helps?

Good luck sweetie, hope your LO is much happier soon

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Offline Julie C

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Re: fussy baby since starting solids
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2009, 13:32:10 pm »
Thanks for your responses.

I've tried going off the dairy (when she was about 2 months because she was spitting up a lot -- and having poo namis.) It didn't seem to make a difference, so I went back on. I don't generally eat a lot of dairy anyway.

Let me give you a glimpse into my day yesterday...

6am wake up (it used to be 7am. booo) I didn't feed her b/c she ate at 5am and didn't seem hungry again
8:30 am -- bf (she was finally hungry)
9am -10:20 -- nap
10:30 -- ate a mum mum (older DD was having one and she looked interested)
11am -- walk --- she was cranky and then fell asleep within 45 mins; slept until 12:10
12:30 -- bf
played all afternoon -- happily
4:30 -- bf and nap until 5:10
5:30 -- cereal with carrots
7pm -- bf and bedtime (btw, bf took until almost 8pm)
(as you can see, our daytime was messy from her nap during our walk)

8:30 --wake, screaming (gave her tylenol)
9:30 -- wake, screaming (gave her cocyntal)
11:30 wake, bf
3:30 -- wake, bf
4:00 -- wake, gave her tylenol
4:30 --wake, screaming, gave her cocyntal
5:30 -- wake, just held her
6am -- wake, bf until almost 7am
up for the day.

soooooo tired!!!