Author Topic: Help w/ 3.5 month old  (Read 786 times)

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Help w/ 3.5 month old
« on: November 14, 2009, 21:20:17 pm »
Hi-  OK. DS2 is 3.5 months and has been on an EASY routine since he was born and YES he has accomplished many things, such as being able to settle down after the "jolts".  Here's our new problem-

We're trying to extend naps.  Since he turned 2 mos. he has shortened them to 45 or 50 mins.  He started by shortening one, then 2 and now they are all 45 or 50 mins.  Also, it seems that he's lost the ability to fall asleep on his own.  When I put in the crib he cries, fusses, etc.  I started doing PU/PD this week.  I know he's still in the grey area for PU/PD, but s/p never worked w/ him.  He'd always get more agitated.  Here's my questions:

1. Now if I try to settle him with PU/PD combo with s/p and voice, etc. he would come crying and start smiling and happily stay in his crib, but no nap.  This also happens if I try to extend the nap.

2. He would have the 45 min and wake happily, so I can't intervene.  I let him be alone in his crib until he calls for help at which point it's too late to try to send him back to sleep and closer to next feed. 

This has been our day so far

E 7
Wind down 8:30 after third yawn
S no nap.  He soothed himself, but was wide awake. Left the room at 9:30.  He had a poopie diaper
E 10:15
S 10:30-11:20.  Was happily awake.  Stayed in room until 11:45
E 12:45
was falling asleep at the breast, so changed diaper, read a book, quite in chair for a few minutes, fussed and down for nap.  More fussing, PU/PD 5 times, soothed himself and started smiling and wide awake.  Let him be.  I'm in the room and now he's calling for help.

Any ideas, suggestions?  Thanks.

Offline mamitica

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Re: Help w/ 3.5 month old
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2009, 21:42:32 pm »
Ok. so he went down at 1:35 after 5 PU/PD and lowering him down and "myself" while patting the back/side.  Really, not bad.  So,

1. Should I just let him have the 45 min nap if he wakes up happy?  If so, how do I match E and S since then it's hard to keep the 3 (now extending to 4) hour EASY?  This is my real dilemma.

2. How long do I wait for the next nap if he refuses one?  Again, the problem is the E. 

Wow, sorry, didn't mean for this to be this long.  Thanks!

Offline *Natasha*

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Re: Help w/ 3.5 month old
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2009, 02:45:12 am »
Often when LO's start shortening their naps to 45mins it means they need more awake time. At this age you would be looking at 1hr 45mins -2hrs awake time, often at this age a yawn earlier than nap time can mean bordem so try a change of scenery. I would try a slightly longer awake time do it in 5min increments over a week to avoid OT and get his body use to the longer awake time. Also i notice you are doing 3hr EASY 45min naps also can mean they are ready for a 3.5hr EASY.

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
My little princess Mirelle 17/10/07

Offline mamitica

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Re: Help w/ 3.5 month old
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2009, 16:43:47 pm »
Natasha-  Thanks for your reply.  Today is our first day trying to extend A.  I'm following the model Tracy gives in her book.  No problem keeping him awake.  The problem still remains that many times instead of crying he just lays there smiling and cooing, but can't fall asleep.  LOL....Who thought that being happy was a problem?  :P