My DD, 4 months old, has been waking up about every hour or two the past few nights. For four days before that it was just 2 times a night. And the week before that she was only getting up once to nurse. AND before that she was using the binkie as a prop and waking up just as she is now! I took the binkie away cold turkey two weeks ago. Thought that we were getting somewhere and making great progress for that one week... but now I do not know what to do!. I use shh pat and I think that I am doing it properly. When it is time for nap or night time sleep, I go in to her room with her, holding her over my shoulder and tell her it is time to sleep and do shh pat until she begins to relax or if she is fussing and seems uncomfortable I lay her down and use shh pat. Once she is laid down I will continue shh pat and she is normally good after about 5 minutes. During the past few nights she has been waking up about every hour and I do not feed her until she is showing signs of hunger and will not go back to sleep with shh pat. And typically once I nurse her she has a very hard time settling back into a deep sleep in her crib. She falls asleep while nursing and nurses very well, I will burp her, and then lay her down and continue to pat her. BUT, she will then cry and typically arch her back like she has a burp. So, I will pick her up and burp her and she will begin to fall asleep immediately again. Lay her down, pat her, and then she will stir and wake up and cry again! This can go on for about an hour to 2 hours. The past 2 nights I have just given in and brought her to bed with me, this is something that I typically will not do. But, i needed sleep and was about to cry because I was soooo tired. But, I am at a lose as to what to do with her. To me, she seems to be using me as her prop to go to sleep. Not sure why this all of a sudden started since she was sleeping so well at night on her own, it was only for a week but it was nice. I have tried to let her cry for a few minutes to see if she could put herself back to sleep but it does not work. But, when I pick her up she normally just relaxes and falls back to sleep immediately. Please help me...I am getting desperate! She is my 4th child and I have never had sleep issues like this before. I am also starting her on a 4 hour schedule as she has not been nursing very well with a 3 hour schedule. Hoping that that will help her nurse better during the day. Please help and feel free to ask any questions for more information!