My baby girl is 6mths old next week and I've been giving her rusk for her evening "meal" for about two weeks, and this week have introduced flavours every 3/4days.
She's a very hungry baby - weighs approx 17lbs 7oz - so although I've only just started giving her fruit and veg puree I'm wondering
She's also my second and very different to my first however he's almost 6yrs old and guidelines have very much altered since then in that I started weaning him at 4mths.
a) how often should I introduce a new flavour. One source suggests every day is fine, another says every 3/4 - I'm prepared to go with the former, rather than the latter because I know my baby won't have a problem because she just loves her food! I just want to know from a medical aspect will this overload her digestive system?
b) also from a medical point of view is it ok to give her one breakfast (usually porridge and fruit puree) and one evening meal (1-2 veg cubes) plus "pudding" (1 cube fruit puree)?