Ok, my LO is now 8 months. DS has been periodically NW and EW in the last few days again. At 6 months he was STTN, but has had spells of EW and NW since. I weaned the DF about a week ago now and we are now on 4 bottles a day of 8oz.
Last night he woke at 12:30am. I was able to resettle him. He woke at 1am again crying. He cried until 2:30am and I couldn't comfort him. I gave him motrin as he has been teething. Didn't help. Finally broke down and fed him 4 oz (he probably would have taken more). He immediately went back to sleep. I believe he was really hungry and then I feel bad that he cried for so long. He is very spirited and determined.
So I'm figuring I'm not feeding enough during the day to sustain him. He polishes off an 8oz bottle no problem now. So this morning I gave him more after 8 oz and he didn't stop. Finally, I cut him off at 11oz. I then increased his solids for bkft.
So, can you overfeed a baby? I've always felt he never knows when he's full and I've fed him on the upper limit of what I've read is typical. He weighs just over 21lbs.
What is an OK amount to feed?
?? I don't think he should have to eat during the night and I don't want to give mixed signals by feeding him sometimes in the night.