Hayden is going through something that I can't put my finger on... She's getting some canines and some 2 year molars, but she's STTN and napping well. We haven't had any EWs either... but she's really resisting bedtime and naptime, even when she's obviously tired. We go through the normal bedtime routine, but had a few (OK, several) episodes where she really resisted bedtime, screamed and cried and needed my presence. It seemed to be related to teething and to some late naps at daycare, and I thought we had it all worked out without much APing on my part. But lately she's been crying at bedtime and nap time, there's nothing I can do (aside from getting her up) that makes her happy. The crying doesn't escalate, it's like a protest cry and it lasts only for a minute. So I leave her, reassure her from outside her door (I don't want to let her cry, but my presence keeps her going for longer IYKWIM). She does lay down and go to sleep, but I obviously prefer to leave her in a contented state as opposed to her being upset. She's not upset during the whole wind-down either, she just gets mad when I put her in her crib.
Any thoughts about what this is or how I can handle it?