Just a thought, you said you have built your supply back up after a sickness, I take it this is with pumping etc?
I got it into my head that DS was not eating enough (feeding time also dropped from 40 mins to 5 mins on each side), so I tried fenugreek and extra pumping after feeding (the usual stuff!!) I then found that DS was not emptying my breast and I felt fuller and uncomfortable, I continued pumping and giving him the expressed stuff.
Eventually I came to the conclusion that I was messing with nature, DS was taking what he needed, I was now producing more milk due to the expressing, the composition of the milk is going to change, he was not reaching the hind milk, leaving me feeling full and he was more unsettled.
I wanted to produce more milk so he would eat more, therefore sleep better (had the dreaded 40 min naps and frequent night waking), and for him to be more contented, it didn't work! They only take what they need from the breast. I decided to stop pumping extra etc and let him take what he needs. I feel better in myself, I am worrying less, he now finishes what is on the breast, also he has started sleeping better and being more contented naturally.
Sorry for rambling on, but I think we are trying too hard and also trying to fix things which aren't actually broke. I made another problem for myself by giving him the extra expressed stuff in a bottle he prefers the bottle to the breast. Have to be careful to limit the number of bottles he has!!
Have faith in your body to know what it's doing, also know that the baby will take what it needs, let nature take it's course.
PS my DS is now just over 4 months.