Hi, i'm not sure what is going on - but my 8 week old is choosing sleep over food and i'm not sure what to do
So the basic history of the last week or so is this:
She has had 3oz per feed - 8,11,2,5,DF10 then 2am and 5am night feeds
Then at week 6 or 7 she increased to 3 and 1/2oz and times went all over the place. I started EASY at week 7 after a really bad weekend of crying, Chronic OS and OT. I am having assistance in the nap department - as she does not sleep well - she is spirited.
I am worried because over the christmas (it was her first trip away from home) she started screaming and her legs go erect, when given the bottle (usually the mid morning one). So I thought OT and put her to sleep and then 40 mins later when she wakes she fed well and finished the bottle.
Well this has happened for a few days now and becasue i am putting her down to sleep she is missing a feed overall during the day. She has been putting on 350g at her week 2, week 4 and week 6 baby clinic but only 200g at week 8?
My feeling is that starting EASY and her eating problems are coincidence - but i have changed her E times as advised (,12.30,3.30, 6.30, DF 10,30 then NW at 2.30am)
Should i be led by my baby and not EASY routine and hope a routine will emerge and we can get back on track?
Has she had a Growth spurt and now needs the sleep to recover?
Is it just the xmas trip that has wigged her out and she needs time to recover (BTW she had her 8 week jabs today!)
She is drinking about 18 -20oz per 24hours, the past 5 days, i think it should be 9.8lb(her weight)X2.5oz = 24.5oz
She is also below average weight!! but average height (her father is tall and skinny with really high metablolism!!)