Please, I need more help.....
I've been doing the WI/WO technique for over two weeks and although there is improvement with night waking my LO is still up at least once or twice every night. I don't respond to her immediately but wait until she is truly crying before I respond and I think it helped a bit but.....
For the last few days, she has been waking up around 4 am every night. She also wakes at other times like 11pm, 2pm and 6am but the 4am wake up is pretty much the same. My DH and I alternate nights to go to my LO when she wakes. However, it usually takes much longer for her to settle when my DH is on duty and she usually will wake more frequently and may take an hour for her to go to sleep. My DH and I do the same thing when we respond to her but I guess she either wants me or my DH is not firm enough? So I started to respond to her at night that's why I think perhaps she is only waking that one time now. I do not respond immediately but wait until she starts to cry then I go in, lay her down, cover her and say good night and leave - try to be very brief. Usually that's all I have to do and she goes to sleep, once in a while she will stand up again not immediately but after several minutes and starts to cry and I repeat the process. Also I heard her cry out in her sleep a few times over the past two days but she continues to sleep, could this be pain related (her fourth molar may be cutting through)?
She goes to sleep on her own in the evening and for naps at home and daycare, at home she will cry once in a while when we leave her room at bed time but we need to do the WI/WO only once and she goes to sleep fine. There are no sleep issues at daycare. This is her routine:
6-7am - awake, lately it's been around 6:45 and I BF (she used to cry when she woke but last few days she plays and waits for us to get her)
8:30am - breakfast (if she is tired at daycare she gets a catnap for about 15 min. between 9 to 10am; she won't sleep at home but she does doze of at times when we go for a walk or shopping around 10 to 11am but we wake her after 15 min or sooner depending how close it is to her nap time)
11:45am - lunch
12:30 to 3:00pm - nap (she usually has a good nap and if she wakes earlier will play quietly)
3pm - snack
5pm - dinner
6:30 - 6:45 - BF, bath, read a book
7 - 7:30 - bed
Please let me know, if there is something else I should try….