Author Topic: Falling into AP, LO won't fall asleep on his own anymore!  (Read 864 times)

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Offline kohnheads

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Falling into AP, LO won't fall asleep on his own anymore!
« on: January 07, 2010, 20:50:32 pm »

On Jan. 1 we moved our 2 1/2 yr old twin boys into toddler beds.  So far, DS1 has taken to it wonderfully, and DS2 gets really squirrely and drives DS1 (who is trying to go to sleep) bonkers until we remove DS2 from the room.  (They share a room.)  For the last few days I have been so desperate for DS2 to get a nap that I've resorted to taking him out of the room and rocking him till he falls asleep and then putting him in his bed.  I know this goes against everything I know and I've done in the past, but I don't know what else to do.  If I put him in a pack n play in his bedroom he gets really mad.  If I put him in a pack n play in another room, he just plays and tumbles around and thinks it's play time.  If I try to sit with him in his bed to calm him he just escalates and gets wound up and wants to play with me.  He's clearly tired because he usually falls asleep within 20 minutes of rocking.  But I know this is not what I want to get into the habit of doing!  Can anyone help?!?!  He's developmentally delayed in both social and language skills, so he's more like a 18-24 mo old.  He is at that stage where he knows what we are saying but he can't follow directions quite yet.  What do I do?  Please help!

Offline JJshappymum

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Re: Falling into AP, LO won't fall asleep on his own anymore!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2010, 21:02:06 pm »
I don't have experience with older children because DS just turned 13 mo. I am really just throwing a thought out there but...could it be that because of his delayed development he gets tired sooner than DS1? Would it be possible for you to let DS1 play in a pack and play while you put DS2 to sleep first? Maybe with less distraction he could also settle easier and with less AP.


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Re: Falling into AP, LO won't fall asleep on his own anymore!
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2010, 21:58:07 pm »
Its worth a shot.  DS1 has always been the one to require more sleep though, so I'm not sure thats it.  I'll try though.  Thanks for the suggestion.

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Re: Falling into AP, LO won't fall asleep on his own anymore!
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 04:15:56 am »
I've tried putting DS1 in another room at bedtime but it's still taking well over an hour for DS2 to settle. I've been doing a combo of WI/WO and GW, both of which seem to be doing nothing. He usually falls asleep because he's so exhausted, not because of any of the techniques I'm using. I've decided I'm sticking with the AP bad habits at naptime until I figure out this bedtime routine. Any other suggestions on how to get him to sleep/settle at bedtime?

Offline JJshappymum

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Re: Falling into AP, LO won't fall asleep on his own anymore!
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2010, 20:34:44 pm »
I wish I could help. We are currently doing GW but it is starting to work. We are at a point where he settles really quickly but I have to be lying down with him. At the moment he needs to be able to fall asleep on my arm. That is AP but we started out bfing and rocking to sleep so this is an least for my back! ::)

I hope someone can give you more advice!