My 2yr old son will only fall asleep by nursing/holding at naps and night. He still regularly wakes around 5 am or a little later and I bring him to bed with me and nurse him back to sleep. I know all this is wrong and I successfully BW'd my 5 year old and he is still easy. But my 2 yr old is spirited, different child. Where do I start? I've tried, loveys, wi/wo (although unclear on this), and pu/pd. At times I was in his room for 3 hours until he fell out from exhaustion. I can't do that anymore. He has had times when he slept through but anything, sickness, travel, moving, milestone and we end up back to this. I don't know where to start and I have another child to care for so we have to consider him. I feel I haven't slept in 2 years, my husband and I are exhausted and not happy alot because our lives seem to revolve around the kids. HELP, please!