The issues began around 18 months when Yardena discovered her acrobatic talents. Asher followed suits.
Their routine as to date-
6:45-7:45 Wake Up
7:45-9 Play (Building, Playdo, Mr. Potato, Coloring, Reading, Leap Tag Junior, Ball Activites etc. or watch some Elmo ( I try not to let them watch it in the morning, but with these rough nights I need some time to wake up myself)
9-930 Breakfast
930-12 Activity time Good Weather Days :Outside, Playground, Park, Pushing Stroller/Car Bade Weather Days: Same activites as before breakfast, but with some differnt variations. Also they have been having more various activites during this play time.
Snack time is around 11 which consits of of one type of cracker, one type of fruit, and water
12-1220 Lunch
12:30ish-1:30 ish Nap
2-5 Same Activites as the morning depending on the weather
5-545 Good Weather: I take them out to play Bad Weather: Funtime in their room from Mommy when I come home
6-630 Dinner
630-7 Dancing and then Winding Down which includes Book Story Time
7 Milk and more relaxing time till 730
(Some nights include baths at this point)
730 8 Jammies, Singing, Ligths out
Since we have been wearing them out in the evenings, and giving them an early nap time Sunday night they were out by 830, so I was only in there for a half hour, and yesterday Yardena napped from 1250 to 150 and asher fnapped 130-230, but both fell asleep by 830. I also noticed today that his last molers are in, they both have 16th teeth, and the back molers just started coming in. But Asher woke up numerous times last night getting out of his crib, crying at the gate, and wanting to play at 1 am, 4 am, and 530 am. Thanks goodness he went to bed.
I am making impovement so far getting closer to the door, and having to be in the room longer with them, I certainly think it has to do with their physical activity and nap time for sure.
Kepp me posted.