My boy is 7 weeks and I have now eleminated one cluster feed during the day. Up until last night he woke on the dot at 2:30am. Every night was the same time. I would feed him when he woke. But then I read Tracy's book and found that at this age he should probably be sleeping more then 4 hour spurts. So last night when he woke at 2:30 instead of feeding him I just gave him his paci and re-swaddled. He slept until 4:30am. Wahoo!! But my question is this. At 4:30 I fed him and put him back to bed and then woke him at 7:30 to start the day. He only took 3 oz. He was pretty much asleep and wouldn't take a full feed. That the first problem.
Also, normally his routine starts at 7:00 but I didn't want to wake him at 7:00 because that was only 2.5hours. So I waited until 7:30. What do I do when he starts waking at 5:00 or 6:00, do I start the day at those times or do I just keep feeding him then and at 7:00 or 7:30. I'm confused?