I'm trying to figure out our eating routine for my 7.5 months old ds. We are currently doing 3hrs A time & aim to have 3 solid feeds & 4 milk feeds in a 24hr period, so what we're doing is something more like this:
07.30 : Breastfeed
08.30 : Breakfast
11.30 : Snack
12.30 : Lunch
04.00 : Breastfeed
07.00 : Breastfeed
We don't have a NF & do a NW instead.
So, I'm concerned this routine isn't good enough & that ds may not be getting enough milk, especially that the last two feeds aren't really spaced.I'm also concerned about the amounts of solids, he has about 2~3 tbsp per meal, is that enough?
Ok, so this is the last thing..
...we also have a problem with drinking from the sippy cup, he's getting better, but not there yet & am worried that he might get dehydrated.