Author Topic: Won't Go Down for Mom  (Read 1277 times)

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Offline zachymom

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Won't Go Down for Mom
« on: February 01, 2010, 21:34:03 pm »
HELP!   I am so frustrated with trying to get my just turned two-year-old to sleep!   He goes down without any issue for everyone - dad, grandparent, sitter, total stranger - except me.  And if he wakes in the night, my husband can get him back to sleep in less than 5 seconds.  But if I am the one putting him to bed or going in to help him back to sleep it can take hours.  I'd like to make another run at PU/PD but I'm not sure what to do now that he is in a toddler bed and is chasing me to the door in hysterics. 
Last night I tried just about everything (not something i recommend or would like to admit to) and woke up on his floor around 10:45 pm (we had started at 7 pm) with him finally in a deep enough sleep for me to go to my room.  He then woke up at 1 am (would only go back to sleep with me on his floor) and then he woke for the day at 6 am.  (he usually sleeps 11 hours at night and naps for 2.) 
If it was realistic to have someone else put him down for nap and bedtime, I'd be all for it.  But, alas, my hubby is traveling this week (and for most of the month) so Mom is the only game in town.  Seems like a great opportunity but my performance last night was an embarrassment. (i cried, i screamed, it was bad.) Plus I have a four-year-old who is on the losing end when my son sucks up so much of my time.  (Bless her heart - she put herself to sleep last night.)  Any guidance on how I should approach?  (And, yes, he is VERY attached to me to begin with - he cries when I had him over to my hubby - or anyone else -  to go up to sleep but is easily settled.  I'm even told that he points to his bed and lays down while you put the covers on him.)
Oh, and in interest of full disclosure, I did post here once before (a few months ago) but then my computer was down for weeks and now I can't seem to access the previous posts. . .

Offline babybarr

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2010, 14:08:21 pm »
Big hugs to you.  Do you work and how often - is he at nursery or something?  Is there anything that may've triggered the separation anxiety?

I think that you need to decide on an approach and stick to it - easier said than done I know.  Has anything worked before?  The obvious suggestion would be to do GW, where you commit to spending the next few nights with him for a couple of nights and then gradually move to the door.  There is a good section in the BWSAYP book about it - probably worth a look.

I find that DS always cries moans when I leave him but within a few seconds is fine - once I'm out of sight! 

Let me know what you decide - if you don't think GW is for you then maybe we can devise another plan.

Offline zachymom

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2010, 19:45:53 pm »
Let me tell you what I tried last night and today at nap and then maybe we can tweak?  (More background follows below.)   Last night, after reading more on the forums and zeroing in on a recent exchange re: a 21 month old, I attempted PU/PD with perhaps a bit of GW thrown in.  It took about 2 1/2 hours to get him to simply lie down in his bed.  During that time, I led him back to his bed every time he got out, telling him that it was time for him to go to bed and that I knew he could go sleepy.  Finally, after what seemed like 1000x pu/pd, he finally lay down in his bed and was able to settle a bit holding my hand as I sat beside him on the floor.  After about 15 minutes, I told him that I was so proud of him and that I was just going to go to my room so I could go sleepy, too.  I told him I'd be close if he needed me and that I would leave his door open.  Then I gently let go of his hand and walked out.  He didn't protest or try to follow me (although he was definitely awake) and that was the last I heard from him until 6:15 am this morning - when he whispered to me from his door.   I started nap a bit early today as I knew it would take time.  After an hour of PU/PD, he finally curled up on my lap as I sat on his bed.  After a few minutes I gently put him down into bed (this took several attempts) and then held his hand as he tried to fight sleep.  When he was very drowsy but still awake, I told him I was going to leave his room so he could go sleepy but would be there when he woke up.  I forgot to leave the door open (last night was the first and only time I've done so as our house is very loud) and I heard him open the door just after I left - but then he closed it again and I've heard nothing.  I *think* he is asleep - or else he is very quiet in his room.   I'd like to think this is major progress, but I'm not sure.  What do you think?  The hardest part seems to be getting him to lie down in his bed - he is part playful, part defiant and part upset (rock, rock, rock he cries!) during this phase.  How hard should I be pushing?  Should I be physically laying him down or do I just ignore his antics?  And, am I negating it by allowing him to cuddle with me for a few minutes before he finally lies down?
Sorry about the 10 thousand questions. . .THANK YOU!

As way of background:
He was actually "kicked out" of nursery school because he was more determined than they were - he could and would cry the entire four hours.  That was in September and since then he has slowly but surely become a bit less attached to me.  I can now do things around the house while he is playing in a different room and, while he still cries a bit when I leave him home with a trusted caregiver, he usually stops as soon as I'm out of sight.  And, like I mentioned, he goes to sleep very easily for everyone else.  (I work part-time - he has a nanny about 15-20 hours/week)
While things have been a struggle for at least 6 months, it has been worse in the past few weeks as we recently returned from a 3 week vacation overseas.  (For better or worse, I never put him down for nap or bed the entire time we were away and he slept great.)  When we returned his body clock was very out of whack and he would only go down for me (very odd indeed!) - and then only if I rocked him.  That only lasted a few days, but ever since he wants me to rock him to sleep.  Oh, and we did have to transfer him to the BBB about 2 weeks ago, but he has gone down fine for everyone else. . .

Offline zachymom

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 20:11:53 pm »
Oh - and will i ruin all of our progress if I can't put him down every nap and bedtime this week?   

Offline babybarr

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2010, 21:27:27 pm »
Ok, firstly well done so far I think you have made some good progress.  It sounds like to me (and correct me if I'm wrong) that you have been rocking him to sleep whereas other people probably haven't?

I think what you have done today / last night has worked.  I wouldn't physically push to lay him down but tell him repeatedly after putting him back into bed.  I am SURE that if you stick at this every time it'll get easier.  Even if you don't put him down every nap and bed it won't matter as long as you are completely consistent in your approach.  I guess it may take longer if you are doing it over a prolonged period but you WILL get there.

Before he was taken out of nursery was there anything that had happened to make him have separation anxiety?  Have you ever done controlled crying or anything like that?

am I negating it by allowing him to cuddle with me for a few minutes before he finally lies down?
I think at this point it's ok.  We may have to tweak if the cuddle becomes the issue instead of the rocking but as long as he lays down himself and goes to sleep himself you should be ok!

Let me know how you go later. ;)

Offline zachymom

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2010, 20:28:47 pm »
Ok - things are not going very well.  He has woken up 3-4 times for the past two nights and has been very difficult to get back to sleep.  Unless he has a hold of my hand, he will not lie down let alone go to sleep.  And sometimes that isn't even enough.   He does have a cold/cough but otherwise this NW thing is very out of character for him.   My husband is home tomorrow (thank GOD for that) but the idea of another night last the last two. . .
He is supposed to be napping at the moment but I can hear him thrashing around.  (At least he isn't crying?!?!?)   Will attempt to get him back into bed but am not optimistic.  In instances like this, do I just give up on the nap when we've gone past the time of when he should asleep? 

Offline babybarr

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 13:13:28 pm »

Please can you post his rough routine. 
In instances like this, do I just give up on the nap when we've gone past the time of when he should asleep?
This is up to you, I always try for some sort of nap but I know it can't be too close to bed.  If he'll take a 30min/ 45min nap in the car that may be your best bet?

Let us know what happens when your DH is back.  Are you giving meds before bed if you think he is a bit poorly?  We may have to wait till he is better before doing any sleep training.  I think though you may have to commit yourself to some sort of GW plan.

Offline zachymom

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2010, 15:57:54 pm »
I did end up getting him down for his nap around 2:30 pm - got drowsy on me and then transitioned to his bed (eyes open) without much of a problem.  I woke him at 4 pm (after 1.5 hours.)  Bedtime was difficult - I ended up moving his mattress back into his crib and then he ended up going to sleep almost immediately (again, i was able to leave the room with him awake about 45 minutes in.)  He slept through until 5:45 am (early for him) but only wanted to sleep on me - outraged at any effort to put him down. 
Our typical routine is this:
Wake around 7; breakfast; playtime (after taking sister to school); snack around 10 and lunch around noon; nap from 1 to 3; snack; dinner between 5:30 and 6; bath at 6:30; bed between 7 and 7:30 pm.
Since we moved him to his BBB, he seems to be shortening his nap (or else he just leaps out of his bed the second he wakes instead of gradually waking - which is what i suspect.) 
DH is back so will report on how that goes.
Thanks much!

Offline babybarr

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2010, 16:16:06 pm »
At least you had a marginally better night.  I hope things settle with DH back.  You may need to start being strict with him about sleeping on you etc, but like I said lets wait till he's better.
:) :)

Offline zachymom

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2010, 14:35:07 pm »
DH put him to bed at 7 pm last night (took him less than 10 minutes).  DS woke up at about 5:30 and DH went in and was back in under 1 minute.   DS then slept until 7:30 am this morning.  While I'm glad he slept so well, it is SOOOOOO frustrating that he won't sleep like this for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Won't Go Down for Mom
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2010, 07:39:08 am »
What does DH do exactly when he goes into your LO?  Maybe you can start doing the same? 
it is SOOOOOO frustrating that he won't sleep like this for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mind you this means you get out of the NWs!!   ;D  ;)

Is it worth going into him together with your DH putting him down?