Hi there
yes she is STTN, and has been since she was about 3 months old, with the odd wake up for dummy to soothe her back to sleep but was on a last feed around 7pm, and would sleep till around midnight, then feed at midnight and then managed to get through till about 5, then decided to do a dream feed at around 3 months old at 11pm, then reduce to 10, and with that she did not wake at midnight, would go through til at least 6 or 7, so then when she was not taking much during the df we just did a cold turkey, and then all of a sudden she started taking more formula during the day. ANd now she STTN with no prob, on the odd occasion she might stir around 5 but puts her self right back to sleep, the dummy has gone now.
Just trying to sort out her day naps, but its all great, just need to sort out her solid feeding. She has one bottom tooth coming through and a top one too.
Is carrot safe to give at 6 months, pureed carrot? as i have not introduced it yet.?
So when she seems more hungry with her solids during the 2 meals that she consumes them, i then increase the amount, and what is the maximum, ive heard when the get to about 1/4 cup then you introduce a 3rd meal? but i know this wont be for a while, just curious. ANd can i say give her breakfast now and instead of lunch can i give her tea instead just to mix it up a bit?