Author Topic: going backwards again :/  (Read 1103 times)

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Offline Spandanna

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going backwards again :/
« on: February 10, 2010, 08:38:54 am »

I thought we were making progress with beating the 30 minute nap monster...we had upped the A time at 6.5 months from 2hours (way too short) to 2h45 over a couple of weeks and this improved lots. I was also doing w2s on and off, which worked a treat, I've gradually pushed his A time up to three hours and again this seemed to maintain the longer naps. Then it started to go wrong again I stopped doing w2s thinking this might be causing problems but after a week we're still struggling to get more than 30 minutes out of him.

He's now 7.5 months and last week was showing mild teething symptoms either that or it is a bit of a cold (his teething symptoms are quite cold like). This is now just a slight cough so I feel like his naps should be better?? but also he's now doing 11 hour nights (this started when we actually sorted out his naps!!) which is made worse by the fact that on days where he does 3 x 30 min naps he has to be in bed early. So last night we put him down at 6.30pm and he was awake at 5.30 am...not crying just playing or shouting ready to get up!

Every day is different at the moment but here are some good and bad examples of his easy from the last week:

Last Wednesday went like this
6.30 wake up
nap 9.30-11am
nap 1.30pm - 3pm (had been swimming and was shattered so fell asleep in car and stayed asleep whenm i transferred him to cot!)
bed 6.30pm

(then woke at 5.45!)

5.50 wake up
8.40 - 10.20 nap 1
1.20 - 1.50 nap 2
4.30 - 4.50 nap 3 (I woke him up after 20 mins he doesn't often have a catnap anymore)
7.15pm - 5.50am alseep

6.30am wake up
9.30 - 10.15 nap 1
1.30 - 2.30 (woke at 30 mins gave him paci and he slept another 30 mins)
4.30 - 4.50pm nap 3
6.30 bed (he was so shattered he fell asleep on the bottle at 6.30 (was aiming for 6.45 for him to be asleep!)

Awake this morning at 5.30am

please can someone help me?? I thought I was sorted with the naps and now it's all going wrong and he's getting up really early!  I don't know where to go from here :(

Offline rachelmomof2

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Re: going backwards again :/
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 21:56:08 pm »
When you were doing w2s, what time were you doing it? I am still struggling with short naps too, my LO is now 7 months. I've had only mild success with w2s and actually woke her up when I did it yesterday resulting in a 25 min nap! I had tried it at 22-23 min. Sorry to hear things have regressed a bit.

Offline Spandanna

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Re: going backwards again :/
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 07:43:39 am »

I normally go in between 22 and 25 minutes (to prevent a 30 minute nap) not sure what the timings are supposed to be to get over a 45 minute nap though.

I just hate that every day is different and don't know what has suddenly gone wrong again  :-\. we're back to resettling with a paci (which he doesn't need to get to sleep int eh first place but sometimes, not always, he'll go back to sleep if i plug him at the 30 minute mark ::)) The same this morning. After a 7.30 bedtime he woke at 5.30am again today, I went in and plugged him and he went back down and is still asleep at 7.45! Although a dog is barking like crazy a few doors down so I expect he'll be up very soon.

Offline Jiinx

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Re: going backwards again :/
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2010, 14:57:08 pm »
Hi Spandanna!

 I read through this...and it has me a bit stumped but let's see if we can work out something. This month is so erratic in their sleeping habits, huh?

So I see you're getting some good naps and bad nap days..

1) Have you tried extending his naps when he wakes up? The 30 min ones?
2) What are the nights like on these days that you've wrote down?
3) has he finished teething? Do you give him any pain medication before bed?
4) When he wakes up from his naps is he happy?

It's great you can squeeze a catnap in! Be careful as it may rob his night sleep..but let's see what answers you've got to the above questions.


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Re: going backwards again :/
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2010, 14:59:57 pm »
just realized you had a thread on the EASY board and you're getting great help there!

Hope his naps are getting better :)

Offline Spandanna

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Re: going backwards again :/
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2010, 17:37:43 pm »

Thanks Jiinx, yeah sorry I didn't hear anything from this thread for a couple of days and I was getting desperate. I will post answers to those questions on the other board after I put DS to bed so as to only keep one thread going

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Re: going backwards again :/
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2010, 17:54:43 pm »
sorry about that :( will look for your reply on the other thread and lock this, k?