My DS will be 3 in April and we've had some nap/nightime issues lately. He's just gotten through a ROUGH cold, high temp and is still coughing up a storm at night, so I'm hoping that this is the primary cause of our problems! Our routine normally looks like this:
wake b/w 7-7:30
nap 1:30-2:45
bedtime 7:15 asleep usually by 8
Last week when he had a terrible fever of 104 F we woke him before we went to bed to medicate/check his temp. He fell asleep in our bed and we took him into his shortly thereafter. The next night he was thumping the wall until 9, came into our room at 10:45 (he's NEVER done this, he always stays in his room once down for the night) and we took him back to his bed, but he repeated this 3 or 4 times until we went in and placed a second bed rail up so he couldn't get off his bed! We've left it there until he catches up on what I think is OT. So I guess what I'm looking to have advice on is how to catch up an almost 3 year old on OT. Do I shorten his first A time? We tried that one day late last week and he walked out of this room after about a 45 minute nap. Should I keep naptime the same, but move up bedtime? We haven't really had sleep issues since the 2-1 with him, but he just doesn't seem to be getting enough rest. Yesterday was the first day in a week we had put him down for nap and he was still sleeping at 2:50.
Advice is greatly appreciated!