Author Topic: It does get better - doesnt it?  (Read 635 times)

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Offline parmar1

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It does get better - doesnt it?
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:32:30 am »
Sleep - or lack of sleep is what is going on in my house at the mo and prob has been since my DD was 12 months - she is now 17 months and nighttime sleep has been terrible since her little tooth cut - now for every tooth (she has 8 now) sleep has been disturbed. I can cope with one nw - but recently it has been 2 or more.  And inbetween teething she has had colds/virus...I do meds when I think she is really struggling, but we do still have one nw's with meds. During the day she is happy to take homeopathtics teething powers, cold carrots etc and this does the tricks - its just the nights

So my question for you lovely ladies, does it get better after teething????, say when they are 2/3 years old when hopefully all teeth are in?
And - when is it the right time to do some more sleep training, I am struggling to find a week when she is not teething or hasnt got a cold - she is already an independent sleeper, settles herself nicely at the start of the night - its just the nw

Please help - I am sooo tired, and with my DH with a long term illness, and with me handling the nights - I am quite teary today


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Re: It does get better - doesnt it?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 09:47:52 am »
IT DOES GET BETTER and then it gets worse again  BUT it then gets BETTER and you're out of the woods!! They are phases and teeth are a nightmare...literally. Thankfully our boy only has another 4 to go but has suffered with each and every one of his from his first at 5mths!!
They then go through develpomental spurts and that causes nightwakings too but that too passes.
They grow very quickly and you'll soon be complaining that you have to stay awake until he parks the car in the drive, so make the most of it ;)

Offline parmar1

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Re: It does get better - doesnt it?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 10:04:04 am »
Thank you for replying, I guess I just need to hear that it does get better eventually...poor LO's do suffer with teething, its so hard.
I cant keep my eyes open today I'm that tired...
I can just imagine not being able to sleep and waiting for my daughter to get home from a night out - I dont think it'll ever end, we'll always worry eh
