Hello everyone, haven't been here for a while since I am back to work and barely sleeping when I am home! Background: started going to daycare about a month ago about the same time as he was refusing his 20 min morning naps. The lady tried and tried with the mornings but it didn't work. Everything seemed ok since he was sleeping almost 3 hrs in the pm. His EW that had been going on for two straight months had stopped and he was waking at a reasonable time. He occasionally had some night wakes but they were more like crying out and I rarely had to go in.
Now the nap is getting shorter, the EW have returned and momma is losing her mind!
We set the nap to 12 even in the beginning since any earlier, no matter what time he woke up (i.e 5:30 ish), and he doesn't nap long. He showes no sleep signs, never has. I put him down 4.5 hrs after his nap, no matter what time he wakes up from his pm nap. I'm not sure what to do. Once asleep, his wake ups seem almost timed, 9:30 then 2:00 then 4:30 or 5:00. My husband often goes in during the night and tells him to sleep, and finally if it happens too often he sleeps on the floor. He never picks him up, just consoles him and tells him THE PHRASE and never gets him up until 6:30. We medicate sometimes, but the worry of killing his liver is always in the back of my mind
We still do if we are certain though. Just not sure what my options are???