Author Topic: Need help tweaking his routine...  (Read 709 times)

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Need help tweaking his routine...
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:40:57 am »
My 5.5 month old is starting to want to drop his late afternoon cat nap, which I know he's getting to the age of doing but he's not quite coping with it and by bedtime he is completely foul.   He's routine isn't regimented but we have a pretty basic one that we mostly stick to.

6:30am wake - re-plug dummy, settles again
7:00-7:30am wake properly and bottle
8:30am solids
9-9:30am nap time
11 - 11:30am wake and bottle
1-1:30am naptime
2:30 - 3pm wake and bottle
4:30-5pm ( I try for his cat nap (30mins) sometimes he goes down but more and more this sleep is rejected)
6:30pm bath bottle
7pm bed
3am bottle

Just wondering if I need to tweak anything to make this transition period easier on him.

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Re: Need help tweaking his routine...
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 14:28:36 pm »
Hi there,
Dropping the catnap is a hard transition period. It's one of just a couple sleep transitions they'll be going through in the months to come.

It's really just a matter of a lo being able to stay up for 3 hours comfortably without being OT, that a catnap can be properly phased on.

Just taking a peek at your routine, I've noticed you've got an A time of: 2-2 half hours, 2-2 half hours, and then a final A time (if your catnap is unsuccessful) of 4 hours.

2.25-2.5 hours is perfect for your lo's age as he starts to get older you'll see he'll be able to stay up longer. 4 hours is too long for bed (if he doesn't have the catnap) - so you have two options:

1) I suspect that he's not very tired when you try to put him down for his catnap. He's had, by this time, two great naps of 2 hours and then 1.5 hours. 2 hours may be too early for him to go to go back to sleep for a catnap. Have you tried from 5-5:30? This would then push bedtime to between 7:30-8pm. Is there any APOP you can do to get him to sleep? Since this nap is going to be gone in a month or so, it's okay to do what you can to get him to sleep. Rocking, a stroll in the buggy, a car ride..anything so he's not OT by bedtime, ykwim?


2) Bring bedtime earlier. Yes, this will cause early mornings for a little while but your lo won't go to sleep OT. Again, this option is hard when your lo is still on 2.5 hours of A. I find this option will work better when they start approaching that 3 hours of A and you can push their A times a little bit more in the morning so you're not stuck with going to bed early everyday.

Does that help a bit? Try a later catnap and see if that's more successful. You'll have a later bedtime for a little while and then when he starts pushing out those As, you'll have an earlier bedtime...then everything will even out :)