yeah. yesterday my lo had a very late CN but i knew she couldn't make it to bedtime so i just let her have 30 min but it was way too late - 4:45-5:15, and i think that is why she had 2 nws. but they weren't too bad, she was up for 2 min at 12 and 2 min at 3 and slept until 7:15 today. so i'm just going to continue doing it this way because the short am nap and long pm nap (which i think is better) just doens't work for her, she'll do 2 short naps which is worse. i've tried it a bunch of times and it doens't work. so a couple nws is better for me i think. it's temporary anyway, it'll all iron out in a few months so i'm not worried about it. my dd1 had a terrible time with 2-1, she was fighting naps and had ews and fighting bedtime and crying a lot, so really a couple of short nws and a happy baby during the day is way better than what i went through with dd1. it's all relative!