Author Topic: 9 mths and still stage 1 puree / gagging  (Read 1406 times)

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9 mths and still stage 1 puree / gagging
« on: April 05, 2010, 21:12:19 pm »

DS 1 is 3.5yrs old and quite a fussy eater, so I was determined to make sure that DS number 2 (9 months old) wasn't going to go the same way. However, he is soooooo fussy and doesn't like to try new foods, he gags so much with lumps and thick food. He's not interested in any finger food. He picks it up and throws it away! I know his time will come but it is just super frustrating to make food and every meal he gags or doesn't like it. Like I said DS number 1 was the same so surely it must be me! Hwy can't he eat whatever I put in front of him!!!My best friend has twin boys 3 days younger and they are flying through roast dinners! Its really bothering me now...

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Re: 9 mths and still stage 1 puree / gagging
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 18:24:15 pm »
(((hugs))), don't let it get to you, he'll be eating more solid food when he's ready, and please don't compare to the other los- I'm sure there are things your lo does so much better then them ;).

My dd (now 4) was a fab eater and had a great appetite, never refused a thing. My ds, now 7.5 months, is barely on 2 solids meals and we just started with foods he can pick up (though he loves to just smush the food everywhere and eats very little himself). Every time I try a new food (tried turkey yesterday) he makes the strangest face and spits it out, regardless if it's something sweet and yummy like fruit, or boring like meat.

I think I would just keep offering and make no big deal of it if he throws it or refuses it. I would probably go to something more "solid" that he can pick up himself vs pureed foods with lumps. Have you tried steamed veggies sticks, well cooked pasta, toast, things that are not totally mushy and can be picked up? I know you say he throws it, but does he try to eat any of it? What would he do if you put the food on his tray and picked up the first piece to put up towards his mouth? Do you have him sit  with you at the table while the family is eating? I did find my ds was more interested when we are all sitting together to eat- he LOVES to watch his big sis eat and I always put something down for him that we are having (usually steamed veggies and always minus the salt).
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Re: 9 mths and still stage 1 puree / gagging
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2010, 12:33:37 pm »
I agree, try not to compare.  My nephew had a horrible gag reflex, and up until 14 months old was pretty much still on purees.  He is just now starting to nibble on crackers and other foods.  But he's healthy, growing and hitting all his milestones.  Just keep offering but try not to stress! :-*