Hi leilanimelville!
Sometimes I feel like the minute something comes up and becomes an issue it just as quickly goes away. . . . . . . .sometimes
That is absolutely true! We're always playing catch up with our LOs! And when you think it's not an issue anymore, then suddenly it becomes again...
DD#1 had a great latch and suddenly started making this smacking noise (I'm guessing it's probably the same thing that you're describing), first only on one side, then on both breasts. I found out later that it could have been that I was getting a fast let down and she was trying to 'catch some air'. Probably because I was so worried about not having enough milk and I was pumping like mad to increase my supply...
It didn't affect her feeding intake, but it sure made her very windy! If I remember well (it's been over 2 and a half years) I think it took around 3 weeks and it just suddenly stopped on its own.
Having said that, there are some things you can do to help adjust your supply, if that's the case