Author Topic: Day 1 and naps going well - should I carry on through the night?  (Read 6205 times)

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Offline sarahsarika

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Re: Day 1 and naps going well - should I carry on through the night?
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2010, 19:06:43 pm »
Hi me again!
I'm so happy with how everything's gone and we've made such great progress! I've managed to drop the night feeds now, for the last 5 nights, so I know she can do it (and to think, just over a month ago she was in my bed nursing all night!!) Hubby's fully trained in it all now and can settle her well. He goes to her if she wakes in the night (I'll have to do it at some point and hopefully she won't want milk!) but she's now only tending to wake once during the night! Wow!
However, I do have a question (sorry!) Our original method of getting her off to sleep was the tummy stroking but since she's been pulling herself up to standing we've been doing PD instead cos otherwise she just won't lie down. Sometimes the PD sessions can go on for 45 minutes (not neccessarily with crying), averaging about 20 minutes. We've probably been doing this for about a month now and the sessions aren't getting any shorter and she just wants to stand up all the time! Do you think this might be just because of the novelty of standing up and she'll get bored eventually? I don't really know how we can move on from here. I'd like to eventually do gradual withdrawal (or the disappearing chair, whatever you want to call it) but can't really do that if I still have to PD. Any suggestions? Once or twice I have left the room and told her that I'll come back when she's ready to go to sleep (if she's seemed not tired or excited once I've put her in the cot) but she just cries straightaway so I go back in.
Thanks, as ever, for your advice.

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Day 1 and naps going well - should I carry on through the night?
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2010, 19:44:08 pm »
Hey hun

We had real problems when my DD learned to pull to standing!  Nightmare!  I actually remember posting on here about it!!  I originally did what you did, just let her get on with it and lay her down when she started to get upset etc.  It went on for at least at hour each night and we both ended up very frustrated and her very OT!  After about three weeks of that and no improvement I ended up not letting her stand and just repeated our sleepy phrase 'Its sleepy time'.  I tucked her in really tight with a blanket and had the blankets tucked in between the bars of the cot and the mattress with a towel to help hold the blanket in place (so it was harder for her to get up as she was SO quick).  I sat by the bed and ssh-patted on and off and when it looked like she was going to stand I put my hand on her and said 'its sleepy time' and patted her until she relaxed and stopped trying to stand then I faded back.   It only took about 5-6 days until all the nonsense stopped completely and then I continued with GW so I moved away from the cot.  My LO was just too spirited and was never going to decide to lie down and go to sleep and was just getting into an OT mess!  Maybe that would work for you too? 

And just wanted to say WOW on all your progress!!!!  Am so thrilled for you all.  Thats amazing progress especially with the night feeds and hurray for DH for getting so good and doing the NWs so well too!!!    {{{hugs}}}

HTH xx

Offline sarahsarika

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Re: Day 1 and naps going well - should I carry on through the night?
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2010, 14:30:59 pm »
Hi again! Thanks that was helpful. Although she still manages to pull the covers loose (and sometimes tries to play peepo wth the sheet!) I'm managing to be a little more firm with her about the lying down. I think she does now know that she's supposed to lie down to go to sleep! I'm sure eventually the novelty of standing up will fade!

I hope you don't mind me asking another question (not related to naps), as you've given me some great advice so far. As I said before, we've managed to drop the night feeds. It was going well for about a week but now she's waking really frequently in the early hours and eventually won't settle back because she's so hungry. Most mornings we're up at 6, but this morning it was 5.30, which is too early! What am I supposed to do about her being hungry in the early hours? Should I go back to feeding her when she wakes at say 4am (which doesn't seem to stave off the hunger like it used to) to see if that will get her through the rest of the night? I'm really trying to get her to eat loads of dinner and have been giving it to her later as well. She's not a great eater, but if I give her what she likes she will fill up. However this doesn't seem to be making any difference to her being hungry in the early hours. Any ideas?

She has generally been waking quite frequently the last few nights so I wondered if she's having too much sleep during the day (although it's hard to say because it varies). You wrote something a while back and I wondered if you could elaborate.
A time jumps again about 9/10 months so it helps to be have it upped a bit as night sleep can start to be affected when they aren't getting enough sleep!
At almost 11 months what sort of A times should we be aiming for? I can see that her nap needs are changing but I'm unsure where to take it all! I still feel she can only go 3-4 hours between naps, but maybe she only needs one long nap and a catnap? Does that sound right for her age?

Sorry so many questions! Thanks so much for your support.

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Re: Day 1 and naps going well - should I carry on through the night?
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2010, 22:42:09 pm »
Here are some links: 

If you read the one about 10/11 months wonky sleep one, see does she fit any of the patterns mentioned for needing less day sleep and let me know.  The others are just for your knowledge!

11 months is typically about 3.5-4.5 A time so you are on track for sure! 

It was going well for about a week but now she's waking really frequently in the early hours and eventually won't settle back because she's so hungry. Most mornings we're up at 6, but this morning it was 5.30, which is too early! What am I supposed to do about her being hungry in the early hours?

I would have fed at that time even at 10 months to get us through to normal wake up time especially if she was hungry.

Your wakenings may be related to your daytime sleep too though and after doing all that hard work on weaning night feeds it may be a slippery slope. 

Do you want to post your EASY as it is now and I'll look?  Can you include feeds and approximate amounts of foods?  Do you do a DF? 

HTH xx