Author Topic: Sudden dropping of nap  (Read 764 times)

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Offline willsmum

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Sudden dropping of nap
« on: May 05, 2010, 14:23:03 pm »
hi ladies -Well my DS is surprising me once again!  He is 2 years and 7 months.

I have had a couple of days of total refusal of nap.  Not unhappy or crying, just playing, banging, singing in cot.  Plus he seems happy to get up.  Not showing over tired signs this week either. This is totally out of the blue as of recent he has seemed to need more nap time than ever.  I was getting a bit concerned actually about why he needed so much, so now I have no idea what is going on!  Like I said it doesnt seem OT related but I could be wrong.  I eventually put the needing so much time down to molars or too much activity time in the am so was just letting him have what he needed.  Not sure whether these are just a couple of one offs or signs of dropping the nap.

I have never had nap refusal from him before and he has slept through since 8 weeks.  He has always liked alot of sleep  and is still going 7 til 7 so not sure what i have got on my hands now.

Any thoughts please
thanks xx

Offline deckchariot

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Re: Sudden dropping of nap
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2010, 17:47:28 pm »
We're in a similar situation with my 3 yo....generally when bubs are getting ready to drop their nap, they will make up for it in nighttime sleep.  At 3, the average sleep in 24 hrs is 12 - split between a nap of just over an hour, and a night just under 11.  At 2, it's about 13 hrs total.  So he'd be somewhere in between.  If he's generally been on the high end of sleep, it would be unusual for him to be dropping the nap now, and not making up for it overnight.

I would keep offering it and see if things sort out on their own, or if you notice that he seems OT or not.  Have you tried moving around the nap time at all?

Offline willsmum

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Re: Sudden dropping of nap
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 20:43:05 pm »
Thanks for reply.

I've not tried moving nap around really.  It tends to be around 12.30/1 pm.  Did you mean moving it later to see if that makes him more tired to go?  He was happy playing in cot from one til 3 today when I eventually just gave in!  I do think that you are right though and that it seems unlikely that he would be dropping the nap now when he has wanted so much nap time until recently.  I think it might be his teeth.  I will definately keep offering it.

Sometimes I feel like I spend the whole time just analysing why he is doing something! 

Offline deckchariot

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Re: Sudden dropping of nap
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2010, 02:06:52 am »
I hear you on the analyzing bit!!!  It does sound like he's not tired when you're putting him down, so I might try moving it a bit later and see if that helps.  It's also really common at this age for our bubs to need a longer wind down time - so you might want to try incorporating an extra story or two (if you already read to him, and starting if you don't). 

Offline malibu_nikkus

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Re: Sudden dropping of nap
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2010, 05:10:04 am »
I have the same pro w my 27mth old.  He almost at times seemed hyped up too.  Banging, running around (he is in a big bed).  It is causing me much stress trying to analyse this.  It's been happening for a few months now.  He doesn't even sleep after swimming, etc.  I usually put him down about 12.45.  I'm going to try 1.30 now and see what happens.  If he is going to sleep, he won't usually go to sleep till closer to 2, hence choosing 1.30.  It's soooo annoying isn't it!

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