Thanks Yazzie - I will try relfux board (if I can find it!)
Last night she was in bed by 8pm, I didn't wake her for DF and she woke at 3am had a longer night feed than usual but woke ravenous at 6 - screaming so much I couldn't change her nappy or make gaviscon for fear of her waking DS or OH (he has to go to work, don't you know, whereas I get to swan about the house all day... )
I decided however if she could go 7 hours then, if I can get her to take enough at DF, she might go thru the night so tonight I am going to try and wake her at 11pm (later than I used to), change nappy etc. and try and get her to take a big feed (not sure whether to give gaviscon so reflux doesn't wake her???) and see if she'll go to 6am. I have no problem with being up at 6 so long as I haven't been up in the night, otherwise old method is better as although I am up in night, morning doesn't start til 7.)
So going from: 8pm bed, 10.30 DF, 4.45/5 ish night feed, 7am up
to trying: 8pm bed, 11pm DF (but with more waking and possibly gaviscon) and aiming for 6am up.
Guess if she continues to be too sleepy for DF then I'll have to try something else...
Wish me luck