Well, she did not sleep for the CN yesterday, so went for an early bedtime (6 pm), which would have worked wonderfully 2 weeks ago, but since she's stuck on the AP now, she didn't fall asleep til 7:45 pm. *Sigh* I'm just pretty fed up and frustrated with myself mostly and ready to start wiwo asap, because this is not helping anyone.
But, even though she's going to bed sooo late, she's not NW, which is a good sign to me. She's definitely getting over the sickness, and that leads me to believe most NWs are due to something other than OT, which is good to know, I guess.
So, planning on going with wiwo tomorrow (Sat) night. I read about PUPD for a good week and even took notes on it before I did it, so I need to know for sure how to proceed with wiwo.
My plan is to do wind-down, lay her in crib and walk out. At which point she will be screaming. Do I immediately walk back in with my sleep phrase or wait 30 sec? Then, I'm assuming I continue going in after counting to 30 each time and repeating my phrase ('It's time to lie down and go to sleep'), unless she stops for any amount of time or proceeds into mantra. And if I feel like she is getting really worked up, do I up the time in between or just keep going in and out? My plan is to not give cuddles or lay her down as I know this will just make her more mad. But, she will eventually lie down, right? She's so stubborn, I'm afraid it might take a couple hours.
I might begin a new thread to hopefully get some tips, but don't want to take up too much space on the boards.
Edit: One more thing, if she NWs for some reason, do I do WIWO again, or do what I've always done? Yikes, I'm getting a bit nervous.