Just wanted to ask a couple of questions to get a better picture:
- When you don't feed him at 5pm what happens in terms of his nightime sleeping/feeding? Does he wake up in the middle of the night looking for an extra feed or does he STTN the same?
- does your LO still CN at around 5pm? (I'm wondering if maybe it's tiredness rather than hunger, DD#1 was always like that!)
- when he wakes up at 6am- does he want fed there and then or have you tried to hold him off until 7am? (my LO sometimes wakes up at 6.20am but I can hold him off until 6.50am or so to feed him)
- I'm taking that the 11pm/1am feed is not a DF, so, does he wake up for this feed? Have you tried to do a DF?