Hi there, I think my son and your son have been chatting :-) We have a similar problem with Finn, ~14 mths. He's low sleep needs and we just had to make a later bedtime with him to get past the EW. We are in the process of doing it now so still have to see how it all pans out.
Finn's EW has been ongoing for about 10 mths so with your LO since it is new, I would be tempted to do what Karen suggests and cap the nap first before anything else. Sometimes cutting back some day sleep is enough to get them sleeping better at night.
Agree with not feeding, we did that in desperation and then we were sure he started waking for the food rather than the other way around. At 12 mths+ they really get enough in solids etc. that they don't need to get up at night and eat. If he's going through a growth spurt encourage eating more in the day rather than at that EW. Add in more snacks and even more bottles if need be. At Finn's 12 mth spurt we added in a 'snack' bottle after his nap. Then we just got rid of it when we knew the growth spurt was done.