Blimey. And I was out with friends last night, one of which has one of those babies that sleep anywhere, and if they're out late, the baby catched up on through night sleep. Wow!
Anyway, that's not ours, so back to reality. Ok I put her down for afternoon nap 10 mins after her 'scheduled time' of 1.30, (she fell asleep at 2pm) She freaked out and went all OT (i think) frenzy and cried and cried. I managed to AP her to sleep - she's a heavy one too so am now suffering...and she's still asleep having managed to make it througha sleep cycle. So, I'm thinking maybe the 'set nap times' are so ingrained in her now.
I thought it would be ok to put her down ten mins later as she woke tens mins later from her morning nap...hmm, the madam.
I don't mind the early starts too much, but would so love a later wake-up time - 6am would be ok, 6.30am heaven. I think she's just one of life's early risers...she'll never be a 7am baby. I used to wake her at 7am when she was younger and feeding through the night a couple of times, in the hope it would be ingrained in her body clock, but no.
Perhaps I should leave her in her cot until 6.30am like you did then?
So i have a second long nap, albeit one she was a wee bit upset about taking ten mins later.
So at least she can have a slightly later bedtime maybe which means possibly a slighly later morning? Hope so!
My sister wants me to go to hers tomorrow and have no idea how or what to do about the afternoon nap - any ideas - don't want to say I can't go again because of LO naps, but it's getting that way. I've only been three times with her since she was born!