Wondering how to get back on track. My LO is 11 months and recovering from some new teeth and a bad cold. I’ve resorted to lots of AP to get her through some really rough nights the past couple weeks and now am trying to resume working on independent sleep habits.
At 9 months I first used PU/PD to teach her to fall asleep on her own (before that she was always nursed or rocked to sleep). We got to the point where I could *sometimes* lay her down awake and she’d roll around and babble but eventually go to sleep as long as someone was in the room with her. But I’ve never been able to put her down and walk out of the room, and it always took a good 45 minutes and frequently PU/PD + crying.
Now, she can pull herself to standing, bringing new challenges. I put her down, she gets up and laughs as though she thinks this is a game. I PD, she gets right back up. If I ignore her she walks around the crib babbling. Eventually she gets upset and starts yelling at me. I ignore her until she is really upset, then I put her down, give her a quick pat and say my key phrase, then stand back. This goes on for 1 hour before she tires of standing. Then I usually hold her hand while she cries herself to sleep. The whole process takes about 1-1.5 hours. Since I work full-time, I haven’t had the time to be consistent with NW’s and, TBH, I’ve been nursing her to sleep at NW’s. I have a long weekend coming up and plan to devote it to sleep training.
Naps are a whole other story. Generally, DH or my mom have her during the day. They put her down awake, she rolls over and goes right to sleep, 60 seconds flat (except when she was sick, they were rocking her to sleep or taking her in the car).
My [long-winded] question is: since she seems to know how to fall asleep on her own at naps, is it safe for me to use WI/WO, or should I start with gradual withdrawal? Also, how do I handle the situation where she pulls herself to standing and laughs at me?