Hayden is stuck in limbo between no nap and still needing one... If she isn't offered a nap, she crashes on the couch or in the car for 15 minutes, so she's not technically nap free. However, if she does have a nap of any length, she typically has a 2 hr long NW between 12 and 2 am which is obviously not something I am willing to deal with. And if she doesn't have a decent nap, she becomes so touchy, it's unbearable. I feel like I am torturing her without a nap (since she's always loved to sleep and has never refused a nap or bedtime) but I can't give her a nap or suddenly my and DHs sleep will suffer.
So what I've been doing this week (as I'm off work and she's not in daycare) is giving her a 45-50 minute nap every second day. So far there have been no NWs and she seems less touchy. Is this the best solution? Am I missing something?