Hi there!
After much prompting and encouraging, my DH wants us to go out to his brother's house for dinner. I'll be putting my dd to sleep at my BIL and SIL's place..which shouldn't be a problem. However, I think she'll wake up and stay awake on the ride back home and up to our place.
Sh/pat doesn't work anymore. Should I just put her down in her crib and walk out? I know she'll cry pretty loud bc she's OT and her sleep was interrupted, but should I leave her there for 5-10 minutes to sort it out? She cries pretty hard at first, but then she starts to lose steam as she tries to go back to sleep.
I haven't done this before..well, I've done it and sh/pat works. Now she's older and smarter and REALLY good at sleeping independently.
Just wanted to hear what others have done and what works. And hoping it won't be too bad of a night!